Friday, December 4, 2009

Same photos, different albums

In my last post, Artemis asked me about where my layouts go, specifically when I use the same photos on different layouts. Let me use the Sculpture Garden photos as an example.

I took a lot of photos, many good ones, at that outing. So I printed a lot, some of them enlarged. After I got them from the printer, I pulled one photo out and did a layout with it right away:

This one went in my son's album.

Next, I pulled my favorites and put together a two-pager for the family album:

While I was narrowing the photos for that layout, I noticed many of them involved my boys climbing, so I made this layout next, again for the family album.

I still had many great photos left. I blogged about the genesis for the next layout in this post, making this page about what it mean to be a mother of boys. Here is the layout:

I ended up putting that layout in my album.

Finally, I used remaining photos for a layout to put in my older boy's album, the layout I showed yesterday.

So I don't make it a point to use up all my photos, but this event created many stories for me, so I made many layouts using most if not all of the photos.


Diana said...

I just decided to start a family album, so I also have a few "duplicate" pages. TfS your method!

Mai said...

I just love your "peek-a-boo" layout =) you make a perfect use of every item on the page !

alexandra s.m. said...

I love them all Jennifer!
That green is so yummy right now especially since everything is white or grey. Glad to see you're still posting and creating!