When making a 2 page layout, I usually start with the papers. I know this sounds completely nuts, but that's what works for me. I figure out my papers, figure out the number of pics I want to use, and then base the sketch from there. I find that I can always use a space I have created for pictures. If in the end I don't have pics to fill the space out, I use an embellishment (usually hanmade). I hope this makes sense. I am most creative when I am not held hostage by my pictures. But I scrapbook for the art of creating, not for the art of preserving. Being artful keeps me sane!
July 12, 2011 5:00 PM
Serenarepsold, please email me at jennyrahnlarson at yahoo dot com to give me your address, and I will get it out to you!
When making a 2 page layout, I usually start with the papers. I know this sounds completely nuts, but that's what works for me. I figure out my papers, figure out the number of pics I want to use, and then base the sketch from there. I find that I can always use a space I have created for pictures. If in the end I don't have pics to fill the space out, I use an embellishment (usually hanmade). I hope this makes sense. I am most creative when I am not held hostage by my pictures. But I scrapbook for the art of creating, not for the art of preserving. Being artful keeps me sane!
July 12, 2011 5:00 PM