Sunday, March 14, 2010

Welcome, spring!

A week ago I took this photo outside. That little piece of art and craft you see peeking out of the snow drift is the snow measuring gauge Dominic made in preschool a couple years ago. I had totally forgotten that it was out there, it was so covered in snow! Please note, the gauge is about 2 feet tall. Those were mighty big drifts. But spring is coming, and they are almost completely gone.

As exciting as spring is, I am not excited about taking pictures of the change in season. Here's why:

Note how dirty that melting glacier is at the end of my driveway. Bleh.

Even worse: see the white fuzz in the matted down, yucky grass? That's called snow mold. I don't even want to know what it is.

These outdoor photos demonstrate very clearly why I will not be buying scrap products like this to reflect my spring. It will take two months at least before I see color like that outside here. Instead, I will make do with this product, which perfectly reflects the colors I will see outdoors for the rest of the month. Except we may see a bit more white, if a March Madness blizzard comes as usual.

Still, my garden is finally completely free of snow, and my plants are responding appropriately:

These will be daffodils. You go, girls!


BabyBokChoy said...

I saw the snow mold today when we went on a walk and I wondered what it was!!! Good thing I read this very crafty and informative blog!! At least now I know it has a name! LOL. I thought it was spider webs that existed before snow fell on the grass, lol! Yes, I dare to utter the words now, spring... no way... I hope you sprung forward with style :)

alexandra s.m. said...

Great Post Jenny!
I had never heard of "snow mold" before?!
I have some greens peeking in my yard as well, yeah!


Jody said...

Make that 3 of us who have never heard of snow mold, but I have heard of blizzards because we recently had 3 feet of that white, cold stuff.
C'mon can't come soon enough!