Monday, January 16, 2017

Scrapbooking wish lists

Scrapbooking Christmas is not always my favorite thing. For one, the stories often seem the same. For another, I'm not truly fond of Christmas colors. That said, I found a Christmas story I wanted to scrap recently, so I made this page:

For the last few years, we took to wish listing at the mall by taking pictures of ourselves with the phones, then figuring out what we really liked later. I normally delete the photos after we wish list, but last year I didn't, thinking I might want to scrap it. I never did at the time, but I'm glad I kept the photos, because this year my boys took their own photos to wish list, and none of themselves.

Here's the details:

It's only a year ago, but Dominic looks so young!

Thank you for visiting! I hope you consider recording a small Christmas habit instead of just the big stories.

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