Monday, June 1, 2015

June gallery for Write Click Scrapbook

This month's gallery for Write Click Scrapbook celebrates our inspiration from the past year. I was inspired by this page from Amy Sorensen:

I love the mix of font styles and sizes on the left. Here's what I did:

I didn't use a computer or stickers. Instead, I pulled out my neglected letter stamps and stitched a couple words to boot. LOTS of mistaken stampings on this page. Embrace the oops! Here's some details, mistakes and all:

I forgot to put a date on my page, so I think I'll put it in these two blank tags under the title.

I was going to stitch in orange, but I thought pink would enrich the color scheme. It's really easy to stitch something handwritten; just handwrite the word, punch holes about 1/4 inch apart, erase the pencil lines, and stitch! I prefer 3 strands of DMC on paper.

See the big oops here? :-)

Thank you for checking out my inspiration and my page! I hope you can check out Write Click Scrapbook and get inspired some more!

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