I got a digital camera a year before my first son was born. For the first year or so, I treated these photos like I would print photos: keep everything, no matter how bad the shot. I grew more discriminating as the years went by, but I dread looking back into those early years, when I saved everything and tagged nothing.
If you've been experiencing something similar, here's something for you--and it's free!
Simple Scrapper membership allows you an opportunity and resources to make scrapbooking simpler, easier, and more enjoyable for you. Photo Crush will give you the chance to experience some of that as Jennifer Wilson helps you manage your digital library over the course of seven days. Click here to sign up for free.
I hope you sign up, and I hope you find it reinvigorates your memory keeping! Now I need to go dig through some photos myself to get scrapping.
I enjoyed reading your post.