Thursday, October 3, 2013

October Write Click Scrapbook gallery is up!

The new gallery for Write Click Scrapbook is up! I hope you had a chance to browse through it and see the terrific pages and get inspired. Our theme was A Day in the Life. I decided to scrap about something I never do: my teaching life.

In case you don't know, I teach high school juniors English. This year I am teaching what we casually call an "overage"--six classes in a six period day, no prep. I volunteered to do this so a colleague could go part time. Since I'm organized, I thought I would be a good person to do it. So far it's been terrific. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that every year gets more exciting and fulfilling professionally.

Here's my page:

I took photos of each class and shrunk them down to 2x3 so that I could create an even photo strip. I wasn't trying to preserve their faces because this page wasn't about them but my new schedule. I also took a photo of my breakfast coffee and my lunch time tea. They keep me going, ya know.

And more details:

Thank you for checking out my page, and letting me share a bit about my teaching day! Tell me: have you ever scrapped your job?

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool, Jen! You certainly have your hands full!! Lots of papers to correct and read! I think it is great that you do a page every now and then about your career. One of my middle child's favorite teachers in elem school lost her job due to budget cuts. She was so upset. She cried on the last day of school when she told me that year. I really liked her. Ran into her later that summer and she said she made a page about it and it was so therapeutic. Yep, she's a scrapbooker too. :) She even found a new job in the New Richmond, WI district. I love scrappy teachers. :) They take photos of things with your kids and email them to you. :) I have gotten lucky that a few over the last nine years here have done that for me.


Thank you so much for reading my blog! Please leave a comment.