Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sketch Support blog hop!

*If you are just starting at my blog, make sure you begin at the Sketch Support blog to begin the hop!

Welcome to the blog hop to get to know the design team for Sketch Support! My name is Jennifer Larson, AKA Buffy fan. I am a high school English teacher, wife to a Star Wars fan, mother to two boys, and resident of Minnesota.

The hop is running today, February 26, and tomorrow, February 27. If you leave a comment on each blog, you get a chance at some individual prizes on each blog, as well as a chance at another prize from Sketch Support!

In addition to many chances at prizes, I hope you enjoy going from blog to blog, seeing the wonderful takes on this sketch:

*If you want a downloadable version of the sketch, please get it at Sketch Support.

Here's what I did with it (click on the images to see them bigger):

Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill, Stampin' Up! Patterned Paper: Doodlebug, October Afternoon, Fancy Pants. Punches: EK Success. Envelope: Bazzill. Wheel and ink: Stampin' Up! Rub on letters: Maya Road. Corrugated Alpha: Jillibean Soup. Floss: DMC. Pen: Zig. Other supplies: buttons, machine thread.

I took the general orientation of the photos, but I didn't print them in a special size. I just used the ones I had, following the general design of the sketch. I decided not to use stars, instead going with circles to suggest baseball. As I always do on my baseball pages, I included the tickets, this time in an old Bazzill coin envelope.

To grunge up the kraft background a bit, I used a Stampin' Up! texture wheel with some light brown ink. The scallops are made with circle punches. I cut them in half, then stitched to mask any irregular cuts.

Here's a few details about me:

When it comes to paper crafting I am...fairly tidy. By that I mean design. I have trouble with random, though I admire it profusely in others!

Where do you craft? Primarily in an easy chair in my living room. I use a lap desk to work on, and I store my partial projects on the ottoman. Miracle of miracles that I haven't seen any layouts destroyed.

When I am creating, these are the things I have to have around me...a cup of tea, an episode of Bones, my mini letter stickers, my DMC, and my patterned paper. Plus my cat.

When I am not creating, you can find me...spending time with my boys (all three of them, one of whom is my husband), gardening, swimming, grading papers, cross-stitching, or baking cookies.

When it comes to sketches I...tend to make them fit the stories and photos that I have. I use them for orientation and inspiration more than exact measurements.

Thank you for visiting my blog! Feel free to scroll around, and please sign up to follow if you want to keep track of my posts. And be sure to leave a comment to get a chance to earn the following prize (ETA picture):

A selection of some hot products from Studio Calico, including rub-ons and notions. These rub-ons are very high quality--they look more like digital accents than rub-ons, they go on so smoothly! These are a must have.

So leave a comment here, letting me know something you are looking forward to this month, and be sure to go to the next person on the blog hop, which is Shari Thurman. Here is the whole order of the hop:
  1. Sketch Support Blog
  2. Jennifer
  3. Shari (go here next!)
  4. Amy
  5. Melissa
  6. Jill
  7. Christy
  8. Tammy
  9. Suzanna
  10. Christina
  11. Noey
  12. Katrina
  13. Carolyn
  14. Mireille
  15. Allison
So enjoy the rest of the blog hop, have a great weekend, and happy scrapping! Be sure to check back on Monday to see if you won.


Sue Althouse said...

Love your layout and how you make the sketch work for you! I'm looking forward to some warmer weather, don't know if we'll get it this month or not!

Jill Sarginson said...

great take on the sketch!!! :) And that is an awesome giveaway!! :)

Friederike said...

I am looking forward to being happily married for six month on the last day of february.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to some exciting events at work this month - we are getting a new company name! Very cool giveaway and always love your work!

Scrapthat said...

Love how you changed up the pics to use more and change the orientation! Great work! TFS!

AmyBug said...

I like the round/ball theme to go with your pictures. I am looking forward to getting healthier. I started a new workout and meal plan not to lose a lot of weight but just to feel better and be healthy. I'm in brighter spirits already. :)

thearthurz said...

Great job on the sketch {and I loved reading more about you!!} :)

janet said...

Your layout is GREAT. I love the colors you choose. I am looking forward to getting to crop on Thursday with my friend to celebrate my 42nd birthday.. wooohooo!
Smiles from PA

Whitney said...

Very cool layout - I love how you used the ticket! I have kept tickets, etc, but have a hard time incorporating them in my layout and this gave me a great idea!

Mireille said...

beautiful take on the sketch! awesome start of this hop!

Laura said...

Love your version of the sketch Jennifer! Within the next month we are possibly going to just hop in the car and drive to Florida to visit my brother. I am so ready to leave the cold weather behind!

Anonymous said...

Love the LO - thanks for the blog hop and the chance to win!

Annelies said...

Lovely layout! Thanks for the inspiration! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Crystal said...

I love your layout. I the how you did not print your pictures especially for this, gives me some hope LOL! I love the coin envies too. This month (march) I am looking forward to warmer temperatures and playing outside!

GLOANN said...

Jennifer, I do love your work. Like seeing how you can take a sketch and make it your own. I'm looking forward to March and the end of cold weather!! A bit of work in my flower beds and planting my little garden. And lots of scrapbooking of my sweet grandchildren!!

Ginny H said...

I am looking forward to spring! Great LO, Jennifer! I've been a fan of yours since seeing you post at BPS!

Christi said...

I love that you used a coin envelope to hold the ticket stubs! In March I'm looking forward to March Madness, going to a crop with a good friend and St. Patrick's Day!!

Amanda said...

Nice sketch! I'm looking forward with great hope to some sunshine and to working on my newborn daughter's album!

Charity said...

loved reading all about you. I am looking forward to more scrap supplies arriving by UPS!

Vera Yates (Ling) said...

Great layout, Jennifer! Love that you let the pictures standout. I'm looking forward to a mini getaway with hubby in a couple weeks. Just a little break from work. :)

Heather Doolittle said...

Love your layout! The design is just beautiful. Love the colors, too! I am looking forward to getting out my springy clothes this month! Yay!

Heike said...

nice layout. I am so looking forward to hoepfully some warm weather.

Karen S. said...

Great layout! Love the journaling strips!

Thanks for the chance to win!

karenskapin at yahoo dot com

Jessica said...

Great layout, as always. I am looking forward to the snow melting this month. (It'll happen, right?) Thanks for a chance to win!

oh yvonne said...

Love thai!

Unknown said...

I liked seeing your version of the sketch! In the coming month and I am looking forward to a visit from my favorite Aunt.

jaimejulius at yahoo dot com

oh yvonne said...

Woops! Typo! I meant to say i love this!!

Rachel said...

i'm looking forward to a staycation for habby's bday.

Colleen said...

I love how you used the pocket for the tickets. My daughter turns one on the 1st, so I'm looking forward to watching her dig into her birthday cake.

Lisa G. said...

Great layout. I love how you used the coin envelope for the tickets....we have plenty of tickets here and I think I'm going to use your idea! yay!

OhSuz said...

Such cheerful colors on your layout & how cool to use that little envie as a spot to hold the ticket-great idea!

Mary Bez said...

Hello, Jennifer from a fellow snow bound Minnesotan!! Love your take on the sketch and thanks so much for the additional prizes!!

Anonymous said...

Loved that you used so many photos in your layout, and cutting the circles in half for scallops. Looking forward to seeing some green sprouts of spring in my garden sometime soon.

momtotucknlexi said...

I like your adaptation of the photo sizes and plan to make a layout today with this orientation...I take a ton of vertical photos. Love your blog!!
Michelle C Bittner

Christine said...

love the sketch! I'm looking forward to my son's 6th birthday party on Sunday & his real birthday on Monday!

Merrilee said...

Love how you made the sketch work with the photos you had. I'm looking forward to spending more time being creative.

Lona said...

Love what you did with the sketch! It will be great for some pictures I have.


Pam M. said...

Love the pocket for the ticket and the colors. I am looking forward to more sketch ideas from the sketch support team.

Noey said...

Cute layout! And I also have cats nearby for quality scrapping time. ;)

JLC said...

The blog hop is a great way to "meet" the designers! I am anxiously awaiting the two-page sketch week. Looking forward to a 4 day scrap retreat in two weeks. Need lots of inspiration!

Paula said...

I love your layout... I love the idea of sittin in a recliner scrappin... I have sketch support on my daily blogs to check out... Thanks!!

Melissa said...

Just hopping along this morning with iced mocha in hand. Love your layout Jennifer!

alisonm said...

great take on the sketch (as always!)

Jackie said...

hmmm - something i'm looking forward to? Well, we usually end get a random week of warm weather as a spring teaser - I could use that about now! Great job on the LO and thanks for the intro to Sketch Support - I've been using sketches quite a bit more recently!

jan farnworth said...

i am looking forward to spring and my 32nd birthday. mostly spring cause it to dang cold.

Christina said...

I love the clean look of your layout and the way you included the memorabilia! This month I'm looking forward to more spring-like weather and the gradual disappearance of the mounds of snow in our neighborhood!

Mare said...

Thanks for sharing about yourself. Keep warm!

scrappydappydoodler said...

Cute LO! This month is almost over so next month I look forward to giving my very first Thirty-One party! I can't wait. Following you to see what cute stuff you come up with. TFS

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to my flowers coming out!
Love the layout!

Unknown said...

Love the layout I can't get over you said you scrap from an easy chair. I would probably make a huge mess and ruin things :)

Patti said...

I love what you did with the sketch. I'm looking forward to an event called Amy's Favorite Things at my LSS, Scrapbook Station in Butler, PA. Amy is going to share some of her favorites from CHA and we get to go home with 10 of them!!

Shanan said...

Looking forward to visiting my sis in Louisianna.

Just Sew Sue said...

I'm looking forward to going on a scrapbooking retreat in March. The classes have just been released and they look fab.

Cindy said...

Super cute LO! I like how you put the ticket in the envelope! TFS :)

Meghann Andrew said...

Great layout Jennifer! This month am looking forward to Mardi Gras here in New Orleans!

Laura said...

Really cute LO! I am looking forward to warmer weather and some time to scrapbook my recent ski trip and valentines day pictures. Thanks for sharing!!

Rosanne Kruse said...

I think the sketch is awesome and your LO a great take on that sketch. I am enjoying the blog hop! Thanks!

Scrappinwendi said...

Love the layout especially the little ticket holder. I am looking forward to my Birthday!

Laura B. said...

Great layout! We live in the south and my daughter asked me to get back out her summer clothes this week! So, not used to this weather since we moved here from the midwest last year!

Laura B. said...

So- I didn't say what I am looking forward to:
Spending time with friends in Texas.

tonyag said...

LOVE LOVE your take on the sketch!!! I am already enjoying your blog hop!!

Victoria said...

Happy to have found your blog! Looks great! :)
Awesome take on the sketch! :)

I'm looking forward to my sister visiting! I only get to see her 1-2X a year :(

Romy said...

This is totally awesome!! Wonderful take on the sketch!

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

love your take on sketch! Thanks for sharing.

michelesscrapycreations35 at yahoo dot com

Joanna said...

I am looking forward to a visit from my sister and a chance to share/teach each other some scrapbook techniques as we spend our one night together doing a crop night. Great take on the sketch.

Susan said...

I always LOVE all of your layouts. This one is so cute. Love how you did the inking on the Kraft paper. Great job. Love your blog too.

mimisimon said...

I am looking forward to getting my ankle cast exchanged for a walking boot!

LouAnn said...

Great take on the sketch. I love how you made it work for the sizes of pictures that you had.

shelley said...

Great layout!!!

Scrapgirl3 said...

This coming month I am looking forward to a weekend getaway with my best gal-pals for some SCRAPBOOKING! I really hope to get caught up. I love how you adapted the sketch and I'm going to print it out and use it!

lovin2scrap said...

Love the clean look of your sketch interpretation. This month I am looking forward most to the Scrapbook Generation retreat in Branson! Woo Hoo!!

Laurie said...

I really like your style--neat, tidy, and linear. And thanks for the opportunity of the RAK. I haven't used those products before, so it would be wonderful to try out a new line.

Lisa in Texas said...

Your layout is just lovely! I am enjoying your work with Allison's sketches! I am looking forward to cropping with a friend I haven't seen in a long while this next week!

Anonymous said...

I am impressed that you can leave your layouts on the ottoman with a houseful of boys!
I am looking forward to a much needed mini vacation in March!
I like how you used the brown ink on the Kraft paper. I will be trying that!

MiliPea Designs said...

Great take on the sketch - I love corrugated letters! I am looking forward to my brother's wedding in March! My daughter will be a flower girl and she is so excited!

Jennifer said...

Love your take on the sketch. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather and getting outside time with the kids after being couped up all winter.

Cassie said...

Since this month is almost over, I am really looking forward to the Portland CK Convention in March! Great layout!!

Mary said...

What a fun, cute sketch. I like how you fit in more pictures than were originally on the sketch. I think the thing I'm looking forward to the most is the extra day off I'm getting from work, so I can stay home and do some crafting!

Stephanie said...

So cute--love your interpretation of the sketch.
I'm looking forward to getting the work finished in my house this month. We had water damage and it's just been so consuming, when all I want to do is SCRAP!

hkstarflower said...

Hi there, love the bright colours in your LO. I'm looking forward to our skiing holiday this month. Not so much for the skiing - more for the photo opportunities of my kids doing it that I can then scrap later!

JoAnn Heinbuch said...

Jennifer , where do you find the time with 3 boys? Thanks for the blog candy!
Love you ball LO

Wendy said...

Super layout! I am looking forward to soccer season. I love watching my kids play!

Moongirl said...

Super cute layout! Thanks for the chance to win.

csewy-csescrap13 said...

Jennifer, love your lo from the your work and come here often for awesome ideas!!

COScraps said...

Very cute! TFS and it was nice visiting your blog!
Connie O.

Anonymous said...

Cute layout and blog. I am looking forward to warmer weather, and the end of snow and ice!

Linda said...

I am looking forward to watching my granddaughter plan in another volleyball tournament.

McCoko said...

Love the clean lines. I agree with you about liking to look at other work that isn't so clean and simple but unable to create that way. I look forward to moving this month so I can have more space to create fantastic layouts with my new Sketch book!

Leslie said...

I LOVE that you said you used pictures you already have and didn't print new ones (a weakness of mine) and how you incorporated the tickets. Just a great job on this LO. I'm looking forward to Spring Break (in March) with my family.

DanaMK said...

Fantastic work, as usual, Jennifer! Love the buttons and the envelope for the tickets. I am looking forward to working on the mini album I'm doing for my hubby for our 10th anniversary in May. I hope to have that finished by the end of March. :)

scrapinbabygal said...

Hello!!! What an exciting blog hop and prizes!! Love your 2pger- clean and simple is my style as well! In March I am looking forward to ALL the birthday parties- it will be 4 including my son since all his friends were born in March! I also cant wait for Spring!!

BrendaB said...

I love your layout, especially the way you included the tickets in the coin envelope. I'm looking forward to "March Madness" when the NCAA basketball tournament starts!

Sarah said...

Great layout! I'm looking forward to a week off work this month, to get some extra scrapping time in! Thanks for the chance to win!

Christel said...

Great layout! I'm looking forward to spring since I'm getting tired of all this winter weather.

Leslie said...

I really like your take on the two page layout! Sounds like we have a lot in common..if I'm not scrapbooking then I'm grading papers too!

Audrey said...

Like your layout. Sounds like you are a very relaxed scrapbooker to do it from your chair in the living room.

Steffanie said...

Love your work and your blog, Jennifer! You know I've been a fan and a follower of yours for some time now and I'm so glad you are a part of what is my favorite sketch site EVER!!! This month I am looking forward to getting closer to the end of winter---sunshine and warmer weather, here I come!

dawn said...

Your layout looks great. Always love how you have fun ones and your cute boys just like Allison's. That's a great idea for the ticket, going to borrow that for my layout. I've been here a few times and always like your work. I just paged down to see some recent posts and busted out laughing at your wonder woman under-roos. I had them too and think my mom has a picture, aren't we so funny. My mom just gave me a bag of old photos to look thru,so hoping to scrap some of childhood photos and share with my kids. Thank you for the giveaway, word rubons and stickers are my favorite product. I can't believe you scrap in a chair and come out with these amazing layouts. Good for you. Oh and I'm looking forward to spring since we have had a terrible winter.

Janet's Joy said...

Great take on the sketch! I am looking forward to going to Mexico in a little over a week!

Unknown said...

great page. I am looking forward to less snow and warmer weather this month (hopefully).

Yvonne said...

I like the way you include the tickets. I am looking forward to the end of February. March means warmer weather for us.

Jessica Navarro said...

Great take on this fun sketch! I too admire the random, but just can't seem to incorporate it into my own layouts. Fun hop and yummy giveaway!

ScrapyTiff said...

I am looking forward to my birthday! And to Spring Break with my little girl!

Sandy said...

Love the tickets in the envelope!

Erica Marshall said...

Great layout! I love clean design myself! I am looking forward to my weekend scrap retreat in March (seeing as it's almost the end of Feb.!)

bakscrap said...

I love the bonus sketch and your take on it!

Becky Moore said...

I love your 2 page layouts and they way you work with a sketch! I'm glad there is someone else out there that scrapbooks in the livingroom on a tray table watching Bones with their pets with them! lol March will bring my grandson's first birthday! (although honestly I'd keep him little longer if I could!)Thanks for sharing!!

Patricia said...

Great take on the sketch! I'm looking forward to March because of spring break! Yeah, a week off from work!

Wendi said...

I think this hop should be fun! Great ideas on your page :)
With March around the corner, that means more snow!

Michele said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

great take on the sketch and thanks for the opportunity to win some candy!
I am so looking forward to the CHA crop at Two Scrapbook Friends tomorrow!!!

Michele said...

Never done a blog hop before ... plus a bonus 2 page sketch! OK, I'm so looking forward to spring!

Beatrice said...

I am looking forward to our dossier finally being mailing to China- one step closer to bringing our son home!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Love your take on this.

I'm looking forward to next week b/c I'm making a trip to a sort-off LSS that's a little bit far for me, but well worth the trip!

Joanne said...

What a fabulous layout! I am looking forward to some warmer weather! It has been a long winter.
Joanne xo

Geralyn said...

Your layout is awesome! Something I'm looking forward to is I'm going to a concert with a friend :)

slotr04-scrapjazz said...

Great Layout!!!! I am looking forward to getting together with friends and scrapping this month!!!!

slotr04 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Great layout! Hope to scrap if only I could off this darn computer! :)

Unknown said...

Love the baseball theme! I am looking forward to following Spring Training games while I scrap this month!

Carolyn Wolff said...

Wow Jennifer, that is a great layout. I like how you changed to circle and that little envelop on page 2.

Here in Canada the kids have a break from school in March and I am really looking forward to spending some extra time with them.

Thanks for sharing your layout with us.

Christine said...

My family are big Cardinal fans so I like the baseball layout. I am looking forward to a weekend crop session myself and several friends are having. It will be a blast.

Kelly said...

love your layout! I am looking forward to the last day of February so my new kit will arrive in the mail!

clmk523 said...

Great layout!
This month I'm looking forward to not wearing multiple layers/fleece all the time!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Awesome take on the sketch!
This next month, I'm really looking forward to my kids' Spring Break. No, we're not going anywhere, but it'll be nice to have a stay-cation here in Houston with my kids. We do plan to go to the rodeo, which should be a blast!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

love your take on the sketch! I'm looking forward to finishing up some improvements to my scrap space this week!

Kapoor's said...

Great layout!

Peg said...

Great layout! I am looking forward to a full crafting day with my BFF in a couple of weeks!

Heather said...

I am looking forward to heading down to San Diego for a few days with the family. We've had a rough month so it will be nice to get away!
Fabulous LO!

Ginny said...

Great job on the sketch

Frances said...

Lovely layout and super fab sketch!

Anonymous said...

Great layout! This month I'm looking forward to spring, warmer temps, and some remodeling projects we have going on.

Arjanne said...

Well, this month is almost over, but in March I'm having my finish-up interview and then I'm officially a teacher. Wew. I've looked forward to that moment for more than three years!

*Denise* said...

Adorable layout! Love the way you incorporated the ticket to the event in you design!

seashell said...

i am looking forward to a little taste of spring here in southern minnesota! it's just around the corner, right?

Paula in Ontario, Canada said...

Hey Jennifer, I like to start with my pictures, fine the right sketch and work away.. sounds like you do too!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Love your layout. I'll be back soon as I just became a follower.

Karina said...

Thanks so much for your layout, just wonderful and very inspiring !!! I'm looking forward to spring break !!!, I love to spend time with my daughters!!!

Lisa said...

Hello from snowy Buffalo,NY! This challenge is so funny, because I check out all "the GIRLS" from sketch support blogs all the time!! Love how you adjusted the sketch to fit your pics.
Thanks Lisa Z

Wendy Shoemaker said...

Great layout! I am currently obsessed with tickets, so I especially love the little pocket holding the ticket. I am looking forward to a break in this crazy midwest winter. Come on spring!

Shirley said...

I got so captivated with your blog posts, Jennifer! At this rate, I'll never get through all of them. I especially loved your thoughts on why you scrapbook. It is so important to stay true to our inner compass. Thanks for your honesty.

Next month, I look forward to getting my hands on some of the new CHA releases!

tallyscrapper said...

Love the circles in your layout. Looking forward to finishing some online classes for
work by Monday so I can have time to scrapbook.
I didn't get to this weekend, except for blog hop.

Brittney said...

Love your layout - it's fab!

I'm looking forward to my trip to Palm Springs (in 9 days!). I soo need a vacation, LOL

mn36 said...

Love baseball and your baseball layout. I like your scrapping style with a great sketch.
Love the looks of the studio calico rub-ons.
and an opportunity to win that great prize from Sketch Support.

Katrina Hunt said...

Jennifer!!! LOVE your layout!!! and yellow are some of my favorite color combos.....(don't put me in the giveaway!) hugs, Katrina

Andrea Amu said...

Awesome version of the sketch! I like the pocket you added.

As for me, I am looking forward to much warmer weather this coming month!

Lisa said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your take on the sketch! I'm loving this blog hop and am finding inspiration at every turn! Add me to the list of hoppers for the goodies and am loving all the eye candy everywhere!

tammy said...

Love your layout! I'm looking forward to warmer weather.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to this month being over so that the warm weather is that much closer! LOL!

scraphappy said...

lOVE the design. I'm scrapbooking a book for my son for Easter right now and can''t wait to use your design.
Thanks for the inspiration!

nanapatty said...

Always love your layouts. I am looking forward to warmer weather and wearing flip flops>

Christy B said...

Hi Jennifer, Love your take on the sketch! I'm soooo looking forward to weekend crop that's coming up. One can never get enough of those crops~~

gmlindsey said...

Love the baseball layout. I'm looking forward to getting more scrapbook pages done. I've been on a roll this month!

Stacy said...

I'm looking forward to warmer weather and signs of Spring.

Þorbjörg said...

I love your LO!

I'm looking forward to my sons 7th birthday and the fabulous party I'm planning for him :)

likearose said...

I love your take on the sketch! It's good to think about baseball in the winter . . . which brings me to what I'm looking forward too. Here in MO I'm looking forward to SPRING and I'm guessing you may be feeling the same way in MN!

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

thanks so much for using photos you had on hand to do this layout! I love using lots of photos on my layouts but it is frustrating to have to reprint them all super small. since February is pretty much done for, I don't have a lot of time left to be looking forward to stuff.....but the family is excited about the Oscars tonight! we will eat dinner in front of the tv (west coast) and play Oscar Bingo. we haven't seen most of the movies but it is always a good time! thanks!

Bethany said...

Awesome take on the sketch...very nice choice of patterened papers, too. For March, I am looking forward to a little weekend trip for our spring break. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog since you joined Sketch Support. You always have something new going on which I love!

Julie G said...

i like how you put the ticket in a pocket. great idea. here in Canada looking forward to winter winding down in March and hockey playoff games for my nephew

Cindy - FL said...

I like that you added a pocket for the tickets, but best of all that you included YOU in the pages!!

Michele said...

Love your work, Jennifer! And I share your love of all things Buffy. ;) I was glad to read that you usually use the photo size that you have. I struggle with that too sometimes.

I look forward to a few crazy months of activity and social obligations slowly down so I can spend more time with family and scrapping this coming month.

Unknown said...

great job- i like the journaling strips. I have to try that!

Allison Davis said...

I love that you made the sketch work with the larger photo sizes. It looks great! Thank you so much for being a part of them team and creating such wonderful projects for Sketch Support! :)

Shari Thurman said...

I love how you used larger photos. That little envelope is great for keepsakes too. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Love your layout!

Kristan G.

mustangkayla said...

Love the colors! Great take on the sketch!

kimmcc69 said...

Love your take on the sketch and how you made it your own.
I am looking forward to the summer and great weather.

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