Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Scrapbooking the eldest

Now that the school year is over, I have more time. (I should asterisk that: I have brought home many assignments to update, lessons to create, flipped classroom lessons to record, and so on. Still.) I have made my hybrid summer bucket/to-do list, and one of them is scrapbook, specifically take care of past vacation albums so that I can enjoy scrapbooking the present.

Here's a few pages I made recently about my eldest son:

Grey and yellow are one of my favorite color combos. On this page, it looks techie and happy. I was at the end of a kit with this page, so I dug into stash for die cuts. Here's some details:

Next is maybe my favorite recent page I made about my eldest son and his surprise short hair cut:

Orange and blue are another one of my favorite color combos. I went graphic with this, using mostly Project Life cards to embellish. How perfect is the more/less card?

And here is one final page:

I posted this on Write Click Scrapbook to show a way to save childhood mementos without saving the actual memento. This photo frame my son made at around age 3 was falling apart, so I took a photo and journaed about how much he had grown.

The then/now pin I added from my stash because it seemed to fit. And please note: the G is actually a Y. I cut apart a round, unused letter (probably a Q) and assembled the G when I ran out.

Thank you for checking out my pages! I'll be back later this week to share some recent pages I made of my youngest.


  1. Loved seeing how you used up parts of your SC kits. I always have remaining parts lingering around that I need to cut up and use together!


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